The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), situated in Grenoble, France, is Europe’s leading research facility for fundamental research using neutrons. The neutrons supplied to the experimental instruments are produced by the Institute’s High-Flux Reactor and together these installations constitute the basic nuclear facility known as INB n°67. The ILL’s Reactor Division is responsible for both the operation of the reactor and the deuterium/tritium recombiner unit and for the design and construction of upgrades to these installations.
Your tasks
Reporting to the Head of the Reactor Division, and in strict compliance with the French regulations governing nuclear facilities, you will bring to the role your expertise in the field of reactor operations.
As Head of the Reactor Division’s Operations Service, you will be responsible for defining and improving the organisation of this service and its tools and procedures, taking account of technical and/or regulatory developments and experience feedback, including from other nuclear facilities.
You will have the following duties:
Technical responsibilities:
– Define the specific operating requirements for creating new installations and/or modifying existing installations
– Monitor the availability of the reactor and its support systems and propose solutions in the event of operating difficulties
– Participate, in the event of a crisis, in the action taken by the Management Command Post (PCD- Poste de Commandement de Direction) or the technical crisis team (ETC – Equipe Technique de Crise)
– Prepare and submit the documents required for inspections by the nuclear safety authority
– Put in place the necessary processes and provide project management support
– Carry out or contribute to projects at the request of the ILL Management Board.
Managerial responsibilities:
– Establish and/or validate the priorities for planning the activities of the Operations Service and the ILL as a whole, incorporating risk management issues
– Prepare and manage the budget of the Operations Service as efficiently as possible
– Supervise the work carried out by the teams and monitor the achievement of objectives using the assessment process in place
– Take responsibility for the quality of service provided by the teams, taking corrective action where necessary
– Provide leadership and enhance staff employability by promoting the acquisition of new skills
– Optimise the allocation of resources according to needs and promote flexibility between ILL services
– Provide the necessary resources, tools and information, in compliance with health and safety regulations
– Ensure that information is communicated within the Operations Service in a relevant and targeted manner
– Communicate the ILL’s strategy and priorities and make sure these are implemented by the teams.
Once you have received the necessary training and authorisation, you will be included in the on-call duty rota for Reactor Division engineers (emergency response or duty engineer).
Please note that all applicants are subject to administrative screening (background checks). For this post, medical fitness, including for work under ionising radiation, is required.
Your profile
– You have a Master’s degree (or equivalent qualification) in nuclear engineering (or equivalent).
– You have at least 10 years’ experience of nuclear operations in a French basic nuclear facility (INB – Installation Nucléaire de Base).
– 3 years’ experience in a management and/or project management role is required.
– You have extensive knowledge of the nuclear sector and its design, manufacturing and operating regulations.
– You have excellent writing skills and a sound knowledge of French; knowledge of English would be a plus.
– You are meticulous, methodical and efficient and have the inquiring mind needed to maintain a healthy nuclear safety and security culture.
– You are comfortable communicating with different stakeholders.
– In addition to your skills, you have the personality to make a real difference.
What we offer
Quality of life – A hub for research and technology, the city of Grenoble is ideally located in the heart of the French Alps (just 3 hours from Paris/Provence by train, 1 hour from Lyon international airport and 1 ½ hours
from Geneva). It is important for us that our staff achieve a healthy work-life balance. We therefore offer home working (under certain conditions), generous annual paid leave entitlement and a host of other benefits that
you will discover when you arrive!
Prospects – We guarantee you a stable permanent position in a multicultural scientific environment.
Benefits – We offer generous social benefits (expatriation allowance, excellent health cover), moving and relocation assistance (under certain conditions) and an annual productivity bonus. We also offer language courses for you and your partner and subsidies for the use of public transport and the staff canteen, as well as for holidays and a variety of cultural and sports activities.
Ak potrebujete viac informácií o krajine, nájdete ich na našom webe v časti Životné a pracovné podmienky – Francúzsko.
Ak máte záujem o túto pracovnú pozíciu, kliknite na ikonu “POŠLI ŽIVOTOPIS”, vyplňte požadované informácie, pripojte životopis v anglickom jazyku a zašlite najneskôr do 21.02.2025. Po splnení kritérií bude váš životopis postúpený zamestnávateľovi.
EURES poradca: Bc. Mária Polaščíková
Email: maria.polascikova@upsvr.gov.sk
Telefón: 057/2445280