Looking for a job in the Early Year’s sector?
Apply to Pathway Recruitment to discuss roles we have available throughout counties Dublin, Wicklow and Kildare.
Pathway Recruitment will conduct an interview with you to discuss what you want from your next job. We will then place you with a company with the terms and conditions of employment and ethos of service to match your requirements.
Take the hard work out of the job search and allow us to do it for you. Apply today and allow us to help you to find your dream job in Early Years.
What you need to apply:
- A qualification in Early Year’s (minimum QQI Level 5) – National Framework of Qualifications | Quality and Qualifications Ireland
- Good standard of English – B1
- Knowledge of child development and early year’s care and education
- A love of children and a commitment to providing a high standard of care and education to them
- A commitment to continuous professional development
- Minimum Experienced Required (Years): 1
- Ability Skills:Administration, Creativity
- Competency Skills:Decision Making, Flexibility, Teamwork, Working on own Initiative
- Specialising In:child development
What we offer:
- A free service to you
- A position with a company that matches your values and ethos
- A competitive salary – 13,00 – 18,50 EUR
- Great terms and conditions of employment
Ak potrebujete viac informácií o krajine, nájdete ich v časti Životné a pracovné podmienky – Írsko.
Ak máte záujem o túto pracovnú pozíciu, kliknite na ikonu „POŠLI ŽIVOTOPIS“, vyplňte požadované informácie a pripojte životopis v anglickom jazyku. Po splnení kritérií bude váš životopis postúpený kontaktnej osobe zamestnávateľa.
EURES poradca: Ing. Iveta Petruňová
Email: iveta.petrunova@upsvr.gov.sk
Telefón: 041/2440 316