Prejsť na obsah

Completion Works Coordinator

FLC Tunnel Group North I/SID:34393

Pre označenie ponuky za obľúbenú je potrebné sa registrovať / prihlásiť. Obľúbené ponuky nájdete vo svojom profile.

Máš otázku k tejto pracovnej ponuke?

Pošli životopis

Pre funkcionalitu životopisov sa musíš

Alebo vypíš svoje kontaktné údaje a nahraj svoj vlastný životopis

Nahraj prílohy

Životopis úspešne odoslaný

Správa úspešne odoslaná

Miesto výkonu
Dánsko | Rødbyhavn
Nástup do práce
Ponúkaná mzda
Druh pracovného pomeru
plný úväzok
Popis pracovnej ponuky:

Do you want to be a part of an extraordinary and exciting infrastructure project? We are currently looking for a Completion Works Coordinator to assist the project for implementing and coordinating the overall process of completion and taking over.

Key tasks:

You will support the completion process within Tunnel and Portal & Ramp contracts on the following:

  • Assist the project for implementing and coordinating the overall process of completion and taking over.
  • Coordinate the completion and taking over process with all departments involved (design, execution, quality, contract).
  • Elaborate completion procedures.
  • Establish planning for completion and taking over folder.
  • Achieve training for project staff.
  • Monitor & follow up on the progress of the establishing completion handover (implement KPI).
Dátum platnosti do:
Voľné pracovné miesta:
riadiaci pracovník (manažér) výroby v stavebníctve
  • Proven experience in project coordination from construction.
  • Experience on management of handover processes.
  • Degree in Civil Engineering
  • Strong organizational skills and ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Knowledge of completion processes, health and safety regulations, and quality assurance standards.
  • Fluent in written and spoken English.
Požadované vzdelanie:
vysoká škola
Jazyk a úroveň ovládania:
anglický - C1 Skúsený používateľ
Zamestnávateľ ponúka:

The Danish Salaried Employees Act (Funktionærloven) applies, pension, health insurance and lunch arrangement are available.

Doplňujúce informácie:

Who is FLC?

FLC is the Joint Venture in charge of the design and construction of the longest immersed tunnel in the world at 18 kilometres. It’s a complex project consisting of Tunnel North Contract & Tunnel South Contract (TUN) and the Tunnel Portal and Ramps Contract (TPR).

The project offers a varied everyday life in a multicultural, fast-growing organization, where personal, social, and working development is encouraged.

FLC considers transparent management structures, short decision-making channels, and a team-oriented environment to be extremely important. Our staff is expected to set themselves targets, achieve them independently, and take responsibility for their actions – irrespective of their position in the company.



Ak máte záujem o túto pracovnú pozíciu, kliknite na ikonu „POŠLI ŽIVOTOPIS“, vyplňte požadované informácie a pripojte životopis v anglickom jazyku. O ďalšom postupe vás budeme informovať.

EURES poradca: Ing. Ivana Sentpéteryová
Telefón: 055/2442 672