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Childcare Practitioner

Trustee of Macroom Family Resource CentreID:34292

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Pošli životopis

Pre funkcionalitu životopisov sa musíš

Alebo vypíš svoje kontaktné údaje a nahraj svoj vlastný životopis

Nahraj prílohy

Životopis úspešne odoslaný

Správa úspešne odoslaná

Miesto výkonu
Írsko | Dublin
Nástup do práce
Ponúkaná mzda
13 EUR / brutto
Druh pracovného pomeru
plný úväzok
Popis pracovnej ponuky:

Childcare Practitioner Job Description:
Responsible to/ Supported by Manager / Childcare Supervisor

Job Summary:

The Childcare Practitioner will work closely with, and support the Childcare Supervisor & Centre Manager in ensuring the competent delivery of a high-quality daily childcare programme
Responsibilities will include:
To provide an ongoing day-to-day support/supervision to the other staff in the Pre-School, Daycare, Crèche and After-Schools Sections
To ensure the constant safety of the pre-school, daycare, crèche and after-schools environment and of the children, parents and staff in accordance with the Policies and Procedures Manual of Macroom FRC
To ensure quality of service and the safety of children in our care and staff in our employ and to ensure service compliance with all relevant legislation.
To promote the ethos of equality and respect informing all areas childcare in our service.
To determine, prepare, document and deliver a programme and curriculum of activities providing for the holistic development of children.
To maintain records in accordance with Macroom FRC Policies and Procedures and ensuring appropriate levels of confidentiality at all times.
To understand and promote and model best practice in childcare through participation in childcare networks and ongoing training.
To alert the Childcare Supervisor to any matters that may compromise the delivery of a high-quality pre-school and crèche programme.
To develop systems to facilitate opportunities for parents, volunteers and student involvement.
To keep up to date records of: Daily register of attendance
Staff Rostering
Records of each child
Accident/incident book
Fire drills


Dátum platnosti do:
Voľné pracovné miesta:
vychovávateľ (okrem vychovávateľa pre osoby so špeciálnymi potrebami)
predškolská výchova
  • Must have at least a level 5 qualification in childcare or equivalent if trained outside of Ireland –  National Framework of Qualifications | Quality and Qualifications Ireland. Recognition will be given for additional relevant qualifications.
  • Must demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the operation of a childcare facility along with relevant experience within a childcare setting.
  • Must demonstrate an ability to handle situations of a difficult nature in a calm and organised fashion, which could arise in a childcare setting.
  • Must show an ambition and commitment to further developing and improving the work of the Centre towards the provision of enhanced services to the local community.
  • Must demonstrate an adequate level of administration skills

Candidate Requirements:

Minimum Qualification:Level 5 (incl Leaving Certificate/ Leaving Certificate Applied/ Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme) – National Framework of Qualifications | Quality and Qualifications Ireland
Additional Skills:HACCP
Languages: English B2-Upper intermediate
Ability Skills:Administration, Personal/Social Care
Competency Skills:Priority Planning, Teamwork

Požadované vzdelanie:
vysoká škola
Jazyk a úroveň ovládania:
anglický - B2 Samostatný používateľ
Pozícia vhodná pre absolventa:
Pozícia vhodná pre páry:
Trvanie pracovného pomeru:
doba neurčitá
Doplňujúce informácie:

Ak potrebujete viac informácií o krajine, nájdete ich v časti Životné a pracovné podmienky – Írsko.


Ak máte záujem o túto pracovnú pozíciu, kliknite na ikonu „POŠLI ŽIVOTOPIS“, vyplňte požadované informácie a pripojte životopis v anglickom jazyku. Po splnení kritérií bude váš životopis postúpený kontaktnej osobe zamestnávateľa.

EURES poradca: Ing. Iveta Petruňová
Telefón: 041/2440 316