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Holandsko – užitočné internetové stránky

Linky – nájdete tu užitočné informácie:

Vacancies, EURES advisers and lots of information: EURES (
Euraxess, vacancies for academics : EURAXESS | (
Work for the EU: Homepage | EU Careers (  Your diploma abroad: ENIC-NARIC – gateway to recognition of qualifications
Resume and CV: Europass Nederland

Work in the netherlands: Working and living in the Netherlands | Work in NL

Good advice for expats: Good advice: Home at ACCESS – ACCESS NL (
About the living, working, taxation, healthcare etc.: Your Europe (
Social security in Europe: MISSOC | Mutual Information System on Social Protection
Social security in the Netherlands: Information from the Government of the Netherlands |
Expats: Home at ACCESS – ACCESS NL ( practical information about living and working in the Netherlands.
Compare prices in NL: Cost of Living (
TMS projekt pre uchádzačov: Services for jobseekers – EURES TMS (
European Trade Union Confederation: ETUC | European Trade Union Confederation

Other sites:
Vind vacatures en plaats je cv bij de #1 vacaturebank (
Vacatures zoeken | 200.000+ Vacatures in Nederland |

Netherlands Jobs |
Language jobs, bilingual jobs, language recruitment, multilingual recruitment and multilingual jobs (

Ministerstvo práce a sociálnych vecí
Ministerstvo financií
Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí
Ministerstvo hospodárstva a klímy
Ministerstvo školstva, kultúry a vedy

Belastingdienst Nederland web – stránka daňového úradu
Home | Nederlandse Arbeidsinspectie ( web – stránka Inšpetorátu práce

Waar kunnen we u mee helpen? | IND web – stránka Imigračného a naturalizačného úradu, informácie sú dostupné aj v angličtine

Aktualizované 7.11.2023